Wednesday, October 6, 2010

ICE 2008 a draft

Ceritanya diminta untuk bikin artikel, membagikan pengalaman ICE (Indonesian Culture Exhibition) 2008 di kampus NTUST.

ada beberapa ide, jadi sy tuangkan di sini aja, sekalian jadi kanvas buat scribbl-ing ide2...

langsung pake lama...

A door to the heart of NTUST. That's what comes to my mind when i think of ICE 2008. I was part of the ICE committee, in charged of Equipments team(stage, sound system, chairs, tables, billboard, anything that can be categorized as one). It means I need to contact many people, find resources, negotiate, and put them all together in time, and on spot. I and my teammate went to library basement to find loudspeaker, rushed to student affairs to book class room for rehearsing, negotiate with banner publisher at Post office basement cafeteria, juggling through campus buildings and offices. From all of these encounters, I met with NTUST front-line workers, up to leading authorities. I was amazed by the attitude of NTUST employees, which gives such warmth welcome and support to our needs, despite our lack of Chinese proficiency. There were lots of 比手劃腳 moments that make me smile now, as i ponder those days. The front-line employees attitude reflects morale of the entire organization, I believe. It is indeed true, when i met authorities at OIA, Student Affairs, and Faculty members.

Along with these awesome support from NTUST as an organization, ICE 2008 gave us chances to interact with NTUST students. NTUST becomes our home away from home with their warmth friendship. I and my friend Sandy were asked to anchor ICE, a couple weeks before d-day. Me and Sandy met with Ann, a warm and friendly NTUST fellow. She introduces us to local daily life and custom, growing our appreciation on Taiwanese culture and way of life. I am astonished by NTUST vision on internationalization. We met as students, learnt and aspired each other culture and uniqueness, enhancing global perspective. After graduating from NTUST, as today's students metamorphose into tomorrow's leaders, these precious moments treasured on NTUST village, will surely bridge the two great nation: Indonesian and Taiwanese for mutual understanding, as the citizen of the world. Amigos Para Siempre.

-wes ngono wae. matur nuwun-

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